I spent last week working on "secret" projects! Now some of them are no longer secret so I can post a few pix.
This is the "not quite a diaper bag" that I made as a gift for J's baby shower. I used part of a charm pack of
Moda's Prairie Paisley with a little extra for the lining and handles. This is currently my favorite fabric and I've collected several extra pieces to use in some other future (currently unknown!) project. It's kind of got an Americana look and mixed well with some cowboy fabrics that Wendy at
Among Friends helped me choose for the bibs, burp cloths and diaper pouch. I'm not sure what the name of that fabric line is but it made some cute accessories for a little baby boy! By the way, I just discovered that Wendy now has a
blog too. Though I haven't figured out how to post a comment on it, I'm sure she'd appreciate your visit!

The pattern I used for the "not quite a diaper bag" was in the August 2007 issue of McCall's Quilting. I added an extra pocket on the inside though.

Some of baby's accessories. The bibs and burp cloths were fun and quick. The diaper pouch is big enough for a couple of diapers and a pack of wipes for those short little outings.

I am guilty. I made B become quilty! Isn't this the best beginner quilt you've ever seen? She pieced this using a Charm pack (I don't know the fabric line - sorry) that she picked out at where else but Among Friends. She even quilted this herself on her little Janome and did a fine job! I'm proud of her! Of course she's already moving on to another project. That's my girl!

Remember this quilt? Guess where it found a home and guess who climbed onto the guest bed last weekend to claim her corner.

One last photo today. I'm not saying much about this. Only that it is progressing nicely, thank you.
Love the diaper bag and that last grouping of fabric, very cute.
i love the cowboy lookin' stuff. so cute. i also like your new masthead. pretty!
I love my secret project! My fav has gotta be the bib with the cowboy perfectly centered!! You did a great job. Thank you! Oh and Brooke's quilt is awesome looking, I love it too, good job Brooke!
Thanks for the nice comments girls! I've got more secret stuff to post - but not yet!
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