Monday, June 30, 2008
Treasures Unboxed!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Stay Tuned for Treasures!
Friday, June 27, 2008
A June Day in the Life....
Thanks for reading my ramblings this morning. Now I'm off to visit Kim, the awesome nail tech, for a pedicure! (Love a good pedicure!) Then I'll stop by the gym for Pilates class. Our instructor is starting pharmacy school soon, so I'll have to get used to a new one :( Then, hope to have dinner out over in Louisville tonight. I know, I have a rough day ahead of me !!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Dodging the Rain and Stuff
After waiting for the rain to pass again, we headed home on Sunday. We stopped and put on our rain suits (what was left of them) but ended up we didn't need them. Traveling the entire trip on the interstate is not something we normally do on the bike, but in the best interest of time we stayed on I-64.
Some of you who question the safety of motorcycles can now exit the blog.
What you are about to see next could possibly have been my last photo. A lot of the time I ride with my little digital camera in my hand, the cord wrapped securely around my wrist, ready for that one great wildlife or scenery shot. As we were in a line of traffic passing several trucks and this van, the driver decides to pass the trucks too, without signaling and without looking in his rear view or side mirror and certainly not double checking his blind spots. As he was veering over into our lane of traffic and as I was shouting to D (in the headsets, D said I was quite loud!) and to the driver, who of course couldn't hear me, I accidentally pressed the button and took this photo. Now, wouldn't you think that someone who was driving a van load of kids would be more careful? Anyway, D sped up and got out of the guys way and all was well. I hope he was scared when he saw us go by. You would have thought that the three lights on the front of the bike and the sound of the Harley would have gotten his attention before that. Now I know why some bikers like to have that loud exhaust system. Maybe we should be in the market for that now!
Monday, June 16, 2008
More Photos Next Time - I Promise
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Dad's Day!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Weekly Highlights ..... and Low-lights
Monday, June 9, 2008
Spring was Here!
In Evansville we stopped at Bud's Harley Davidson. We were able to find the new carbon Kevlar half helmets we'd been looking for. Much lighter than our other ones, they fit better and the wind doesn't bother our necks near as much. After a late lunch at Culver's (will someone please tell them to build a Culver's in Clark or Floyd County Indiana!) we headed back on more back roads, past Santa Claus, Possum Junction and this general store on highway 62. I think they've got big plans for this tomato plant. The tomato cage was at least 7 foot tall!
A Saturday night phone call from some friends and we were off on Sunday morning for breakfast at the Story Inn again. The hot trip on Saturday must not have been too hard on us because we were ready to go bright and early, hoping to avoid the worst of the 90 degree temps we've been having. But we ended up spending most of the day up in the Brown County area. Maybe you've heard about some of the flooding going on in Indiana. Luckily all of the roads that we traveled were still dry, but we did get a first hand look at some of the water covering the farm fields. There are so many folks facing weather challenges right now, our hearts go out to them. As I type this, they are showing video on television of homes falling into the Wisconsin River! Makes us feel very thankful!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
All Things Quilty
This is the "not quite a diaper bag" that I made as a gift for J's baby shower. I used part of a charm pack of Moda's Prairie Paisley with a little extra for the lining and handles. This is currently my favorite fabric and I've collected several extra pieces to use in some other future (currently unknown!) project. It's kind of got an Americana look and mixed well with some cowboy fabrics that Wendy at Among Friends helped me choose for the bibs, burp cloths and diaper pouch. I'm not sure what the name of that fabric line is but it made some cute accessories for a little baby boy! By the way, I just discovered that Wendy now has a blog too. Though I haven't figured out how to post a comment on it, I'm sure she'd appreciate your visit!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
What's Brewing at the Baby Shower?
I'll hit the road back home in the morning, battling the Chicago rush hour traffic. E and I had a great time shopping on Saturday. We were trying to see how many suburban malls and shopping centers we could tackle in one day! At last count, I believe it was six. If it hadn't been for that margarita at the last stop - I might have been able to make seven!
Have a great week and a happy June! Summer has arrived!