Greetings everyone. I am back in blogger land. After continuously getting an error message last night from blogger about Internet Explorer not being able to access the site, I finally am able to post. All I had to do was check out a few of the blogs that I normally read (translate: am addicted too!) and I found the solution to my predicament at
Polka Dot Pineapple. Thanks Lettie!
The Gerber Daisy Siamese Twins continue to bloom! Doesn't this kind of look like an exotic bird face if you stare at it long enough?

So today is my blogiversary. You'll not find that word in the dictionary but it is the one year anniversary of my first post here at Blogspot. I've been debating if I should give away a prize in honor of my sticking with this little project for a whole year as so many of my blog friends have. What do you think? Maybe if I should get enough comments here at the bottom of this post I might surprise one of you! Just click on the comment link and tell me what you think. You don't even have to have a blogger account, you can comment anonymously but will have to check back to see what happens! I finished a bag from the new Amy Butler pattern yesterday. It was quick and pretty easy. (Could I be convinced to make a similar one as a give away?)

We were hoping all week for "the" call from the parents-to-be, but not yet. I know we're not near as anxious as they are! One of these days! In the meantime I have been working on a few things. Of course the purse above and then also this small quilt made from a
Fresh Squeezed jellyroll. It went together pretty fast too. Now to figure out how to quilt it. I need some suggestions please. I also spent some time practicing my free motion quilting, but I still don't feel I'm ready to do a full quilt. Maybe I need to put this aside for awhile and keep practicing!

Today I've been experimenting with my newest toy. I'm upgrading my digital camera from the little Kodak I've dragged everywhere for the past few years. This is the
Panasonic Lumix. I'm still studying the manual and trying out all the features. More than I'll ever need I'm sure! But it does have 10x zoom, optical image stabilizer and a 28 mm wide angle. I'll let you know if it becomes my new best friend!

Today we participated in a motorcycle ride to benefit the Eric Hall Memorial Fund. Perhaps you remember my mention of this young Marine, the son of friends of ours, who was injured in Iraq and suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. He disappeared last spring in Florida and was later found deceased. It is such a sad story but his parents have formed a foundation to help other veterans who suffer from mental health issues. Eric was a motorcycle rider so what better way to raise some money for the cause than to sponser a fun event for area riders.
Staging was in a local church parking lot with a local radio host, Francine, as MC. There were lots of donated raffle prizes and hot dogs, chips, watermelon and cookies waiting for us but soon it was time to hit the road.

One rider, a veteran who had helped search for Eric, rode all the way from Florida to participate.

Eric's parents thanked the 80 plus bikers and their riders for coming to the first annual Eric Hall Memorial Ride. They were pleased with the turn-out and hope to continue this every year.

We rode about eighty miles through some of the same back country roads that we drive on our own explorations.

It was a beautiful day to ride and this time we felt like we helped make just a little difference. No matter what your political beliefs, we shouldn't forget those suffer from the effects of war, even if their injuries aren't as noticeable as some. The Hall's have bravely dealt with their son's death in a way that will continue to honor him and others. There should be a website coming soon with info about the foundation. I'll post a link when it is available. Eric's birthday was August 5, so I'm to pass the word along that that date would be a good day for a baby boy to enter the world!
Thanks again for stopping by! Have a great week.
Happy Blogiversary! :)
Congratulations on your blogiversary! Your ride looks like great fun!
Love your version of the Frenchy bag and your JR quilt... that fresh Squeezed line is the BEST, isn't it? You'll love that new camera, you'll soon have a new little subject to photograph! ;)
Congrats on your blogiversary!! J says you are a 'dork' but he is proud of you for sticking with it for a whole year. glad you got to do your ride and the little man didn't get in the way. i hope he comes pretty soon. talk to you soon.
I like the frency bag alot. I know I wont win the surprise gift, but will you make me one anyways? :) Happy blogiversary too!
Happy Blogversary...(sp), the pictures of the motorcycle ride, very worthy cause. Your purse is really pretty; I need to stop and make a purse one of these days, I just don't like to do it I don't think, lol. And your quilt is cute, this is for the little one? Congratulations on becoming a grandmother soon; will be looking for the announcement.
Happy Blogiversary! The bag is beautiful and the flower - you're right, it does look like the eyes of an exotic bird. Continued success with your blogging!!!
Yay for giveaways!
Happy blogiversary. I like the bag and the quilt. Great job. If the quilt for the new grandbaby?
Hi Janet, Congrats on your Blogiversary! Seems like you should be the one to get the prize since you're the one who does all the work. The rest of us just enjoy!
From the soon to be Great-Grands, Bill and Pat
Congrats on your blogiversary, Janet, and on the new camera. THe purse and the little quilt are beautiful.
Oh yes, you are definitely addicted to blogging. Over 100 posts in your first year--it took me over two years to get that many. So now you're an inspiration to me!
A giveaway? Fun!
Love your daisies! Most of our floweres are at least surviving this year, even if they aren't too spectacular.
K says she wants to learn to quilt. Hmmm... you think it might help if she had a sewing machine?!
I read your Blog weekly. I enjoy seeing the beautiful projects you find time for. Wish I was so talented!
Edie from USG
congrats aunt j. :) it's always a treat to read about your adventures.
Happy anniblogiversary! Found your blog while searching for quilt info in the Louisville area. Nice projects, nice blog!
Your dedication to blogging is to be commended! Congratulations on the beginning of another year of On the Road With Janet. I'll bet most of the trips will be to STL! Hope all is going well today. I am anxious to see pictures. Love to all....
we have matching cameras now. :) i didn't mean to do that! i thought yours was different. maybe we are starting a new trend in the family.
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