This will be one of those blog posts about completely random "stuff".
I stopped at B's house to pick her up for a quick shopping trip to Macy's and
Dee's Crafts over in Louisville this morning. I had purchased these pretty "sunflowers" at
Hannah's last weekend and needed some extra greenery to complete this late summer arrangement for our dining room table. The pitcher is one that I purchased several years ago at a Southern Living at Home party. The leaves and sticks were leftovers from B & N's wedding reception last fall. It's that time of year when all the summer flowers are drying up but too early to put out mums and pumpkins so I was ready for a little change. What do you think?
Okay - here I go with the pet pictures again. Every time I go to B's house, her little tortie female, Tini, has to check out my purse. She loves to rub her whiskers all over it and then snoop to see what might be inside. It doesn't seem to make a difference which purse I carry either. She's just curious I guess.
This got me thinking about a post I saw on my
cousin's blog last week. She had bravely listed the contents of her purse. So, like Tini, maybe you all are curious as to what is in my purse :)
Here it goes. Of course there is my wallet with my driver's license, debit and credit cards, some change and not much cash, Kroger, Pets Mart, Sam's Club and insurance cards and also a family photo. My cell phone (funny how we feel naked without that now!), my camera (a new habit thanks to Blogspot!), sunglasses, lipstick, lipgloss, lotion, Tylenol and girl stuff (like to keep that handy, just in case but maybe that's too much information). I've also got reading glasses - can't be without those and a comb. I usually have a package of gum but I'm out of that right now. There is a granola bar left from my trip to Oklahoma and a fruit bar from Trader Joe's in Chicago. Matches, even though I don't smoke but I grabbed those at the restaurants in Chicago to keep on hand for my Yankee candles at home. There is also an old grocery list, a Starbucks receipt and miscellaneous business and appointment cards. Of course I have my car keys, house key and a key to I'm not sure what. I also keep a little plastic envelope for coupons and paint color chips.
When I list it all this way it looks like a lot but it really is pretty organized right now compared to what it has been. Okay - now I challenge you all to let me know what is in your purse (or briefcase, backpack etc.) !
Just to keep things fair, I'm going to post some pictures of some of my other "grandanimals". Mouse is B and N's other cat. He is an American Curl. Notice his distinctive "curly" ears. Though he is normally a very laid back guy - he loves to talk!

Meet Thelma and Louise (aka T & L). These cute rescue dogs are owned by our son and daughter-in-law J and J. This was taken last Thanksgiving when they were still in the puppy stage. They share the house with a hefty black cat named Tray. Next time we go to visit, I'll have to get a better photo of him.

This is all I've got for today. Complete nonsense I know. We hope to participate in a motorcycle ride tomorrow if the weather cooperates. The local electric company is sponsoring the REMC Ride for Charity to benefit BridgePointe and Goodwill. You can read about it here. This will be our first large group ride. It should be fun.
Have a good weekend!