Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Caramel Corn/Cracker Jack Anyone?
Friday, December 3, 2010
Please Bear With Me!
Last night after a nice encouraging conversation with my daughter E, I finally found some desire to update this little blog. After all, this is my 300th post(!!) and we just returned from another wonderful trip so I have some great photos from our trip to New Orleans and Oklahoma where we spent Thanksgiving with my sister's family and also our son and his family. Plus tomorrow is my 56th birthday(!).
But yesterday was the day my laptop hard drive decided to take it's last whirly breath :(. I'm trying to not be too concerned, after all we've got a new iPad, a combination birthday, Christmas, anniversary present. So after transferring several photos to use I logged onto Blogspot only to discover that it's not supported on the iPad! My blogging desire is slowly dissipating and and this, my 300th post, is published by using the email posting function of Blogger.
So until I get my PC repaired, my NOLA and my cute grandson photos will have to wait until later. And while many of you are posting your pictures of holiday decorations, quilts and cookie recipes I'll be reading your blogs and working up to posting my 301st blog entry. Hopefully it won't take as long!
One photo to share. Grammie and Papaw with little J and his "little" brother B in my sister's OK backyard.
Thanks for bearing with me!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
November Ramblings
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Here's a Treat for You!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Bakerella I'm not. But I tried.
Have a good week !
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Finished Something!
We've had some beautiful weather here the past few days - once the summer temps finally left. We haven't been out on the motorcycle as much as we'd like lately, but last Sunday we did take a short trip up through the Jackson - Washington County State Forest. Most of the trees were just beginning to turn, but we found this one portion of a little scenic road that was in full color. Pretty nice - huh?
Monday, October 4, 2010
Scenes From the Weekend - and Today
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Camping in the Smokies

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Barn Quilts and Back Roads
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Welcome Aboard!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
A Taste of New England
The rest of the trip home was pretty un-eventful. We abandoned the pretty back roads and traveled I-90 across New York (a fortune in tolls for an rv!). We spent our last night at a KOA south of Buffalo near the shore of Lake Erie (probably only a 6 on the OTRWJ scale) with a friendly office staff and good wifi. We got up early for the long trip the rest of the way home. Now that we're home again, we'll start to plan some trips where we can pull the motorcycle and then do some day trips out and about from our campsite. D is even planning on working from the road a little so good wifi is important to where we plan to camp. I'm not sure if I'll be able to take my sewing machine along, but maybe the embroidery machine or else just plan on doing some type of handwork to keep me busy. I'm sure some of you think we're crazy but we're looking forward to this next adventure. We don't really think of this as a new hobby, but as a better way of doing what we love to do and seeing more of this beautiful country!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Happy Two !
Like most of the country, we "enjoying" some steamy summer weather these past several weeks. I've given up on most of my flowers in pots and the ones in the ground are suffering. Our grass is starting to become slightly "crispy" and even though I said I wasn't going to, I dragged out the sprinkler and tried to green things up a little. Today a few thunderstorms popped up with a little rain relief but the rest of the week is predicted to be just as hot. We're supposed to participate in the Home Front Fight Memorial Ride this Saturday but with temps in the upper 90's, I'm not too excited about riding. We might just go by and drop off our donation. Yes, you may call me a wimp! There is a trip planned in the near future, so I'll have some more blog material coming!
Stay Cool!