Monday, March 30, 2009
Exercising my Quilting Rights
Sunday, March 29, 2009
It's About Time

Sunday, March 22, 2009
Spring Riding Is Our March Madness
The dining room was very nice with white tablecloths and the works. As we were leaving we saw that some other folks (on motorcycles too) were enjoying the nice deck and patio area. We probably would have fit in better there with our boots and jackets.
But we did have a nice lunch. I haven't posted a food photo in awhile so I'll show you my chicken salad on cranberry bread.
We avoided the interstate on the trip home, but had to endure numerous stoplights on the route that the GPS chose for us. Next time we'll plan a little better but it was still a nice ride!
Otherwise, not much to report for my week. I did finish sewing the blocks for Connie's Siggie Block Swap but I've still got to sign them. I need to get some freezer paper so I can get them done and on their way. Saturday morning I drove over to Among Friends for the BOM. Here's my completed block for this month. It turned out pretty but I'm not sure if I'd make a complete quilt with this many little pieces. Tomorrow I take my car over to get the window fixed finally. They've been waiting for the parts and they finally arrived. I hope it doesn't take too long to get it repaired. At least when it's nice, D doesn't mind riding his motorcycle to work so I can drive the truck.
Beamer has been enjoying any sunny spot he can find on the floor. The other day my new red shoes were in his way, but he didn't mind. He is a big cat as you can tell from this photo. I really do have normal size feet (size 7) but he makes these shoes look like they belong to a little girl!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Mini Tour on Loser Monday

So there you go - a mini tour of Ireland. We've only got about 1600 Ireland photos lurking in the files here on the computer. Hope you've enjoyed these!
I found this Irish proverb that might just apply to me.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Moving On
Yesterday was the big fat quarter sale at Among Friends Quilt Shop. I thought I'd get there in the morning before things got picked over. Wrong. Evidently ladies were lined up a half hour before their doors opened! After all, who could blame them for wanting $1.25 fat quarters! There was a limit of 100. I didn't come any where near that but here's my haul. I don't have any specific plans for these but there are a few baby fabrics in there as well as some that will compliment some of what is already in my stash. The only problem is that I really need to get busy and do some sewing one day soon. I've got projects in mind, but not the mind for them.
Part of the reason I'm not sewing motivated is the other project we're working on. I've been on a quest for the perfect countertop for our new kitchen cabinets. I really want quartz. Right now the leading contender is the one on top (in the center). I think it would look the best with the oil rubbed bronze hardware and faucet. The colors don't show up quite right here, but maybe you get the idea.
Temperatures are gradually creeping up around here. So you know what that means! We had to bundle up a little, but it really was quite pleasant today when we went for our Sunday drive. We stopped by our friends' house to see if they wanted to go along but you can see they were doing spring cleaning and yard work. But they did snap this photo of us then joined us later for an ice cream ride.

This week I need to make arrangements for getting my car repaired. But surely this week will end better than last. Hope you all have a good week! .
Friday, March 13, 2009
Yes, It Is Friday the 13th

Monday, March 9, 2009
Better Off or Not
Here it is Loser Monday again. Sharon will be kicking my you know what to the curb this time as I have still to find that wagon to get back on! I alternate between admitting defeat and bailing out or giving myself another week to see if I can finally pull my willpower together. In one aspect, I know I'm better off sticking with this, even if I've not lost any weight. But it's also somewhat embarrassing to report no change week after week. So okay - I'll give it another week, again. I continue to enjoy my trips to the gym and as long as I can keep that up I really don't think I should admit defeat.
Daughter E is on her way home this evening. It was great to have her come and spend a few days. This afternoon she and I along with B went to see Slumdog Millionaire. If you haven't seen this movie yet, it is wonderful. Definitely deserving of the Oscars won. One of the best parts of the movie is the ending credits and the dance scene. I found this video to share. Have a great week!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Back on the Road for Real!

Today we ventured out to the local home building and remodel show in search of the best price for our new kitchen countertops. Several new quotes should be coming our way this week. A decision will need to be made because D informs me that demolition might be coming soon.
The time change has messed my internal clock up so I'd better head to bed soon. E isn't going home until tomorrow evening and is going to come with me to the gym in the morning. After ignoring her during part of her visit, I actually should spend some time with her! We did accomplish making a few plans for an upcoming baby shower and I've managed to cook a couple of mom meals. We'll see what she thinks of my "old lady" (it really isn't, but she'll be the youngest there) fitness classes. Hope she can keep up :)
Hope the warm weather has given you all a little Spring Fever! Have a good week!