Of course there is always some good food at these festivals. This sign was too cute! And the pork chop sandwiches were good too.

Where have I been, you asked?
Do I really need to answer that? I think this will explain.
More later!
The boutique closed down at noon on Friday, but then the real work began. It is a major project to tear down and load up, but he's got it under control ! Believe it or not, that entire room of inventory and display racks is now in the back of his trailer and pickup truck! With the help of the ladies who helped box, and D, N and B who helped load. Things were zipped up by 11:00 pm. The staff at the Convention center was not too helpful though, because although Pat was supposed to have the space until midnight, they rushed us out of there to set up for another event. We were actually out of the hall by 9:00 with everything on the loading dock. Obviously, everyone was tired and hungry and hot. But overall, I think they were happy with their success of this event and are now on their way home to Arkansas.
With our guests gone and most of our lightning repairs complete, today was a gorgeous day to be out enjoying the weather. What better way than a motorcycle ride to Nashville, Indiana! Hard to believe I hadn't been on the bike in almost two weeks! All the shops in Nashville were getting ready for fall and the cool temps today really made me think it couldn't be too far away.
We took a scenic ride up through Brown County State Park. This area will be beautiful in a few weeks when the color arrives. Fall is probably the busiest time for Nashville and the surrounding campgrounds and lodges. Sometime we should either bring the camper up here or rent a cabin.
Next week was supposed to have been a motorcycle trip to the Smokey Mountains, but one of our biking buddies is nursing a sore leg, so we postponed the ride. We have ordered a small trailer to pull behind the Harley so you can look forward to seeing photos of it once we go pick it up next weekend. I hope to do some sewing, quilting, crafting, stitching, anything crafty! this week. The week after that we are looking forward to my K-State cousins visiting and attending the K-State/UofL football game. That should be fun! Then after that, we will be going back to MO to see little J !! Can't wait to see how much he's grown! He will be one month old tomorrow. Happy Birthday Grandbaby #1! Love, Grammie and Grampa.
Other family is in town also. My FIL and SMIL have brought pretty much her entire needlework shop to the EGA National Seminar which is being held in Louisville this week.
We all went downtown to help set up. But things were very organized and some of us helped more than others! Actually, he did contribute to the process, but he does look a little of place (and bored) doesn't he!
Of course, there was some dining out!
And I would be scolded if I didn't post a photo of this tasty dish. Paella from Mojitos!
But as to why there's been no blogging, here is the real culprit. We have been without internet service since a thunderstorm Friday night. When we arrived back home (after dining out, of course, at a different restaurant) we discovered that our home had been struck by lightning. Luckily, we had little damage, but did lose one television, our garage door opener, several GFI's, a bathroom exhaust fan and our cable/internet boxes. After the electrician replaced the vent, we realized how lucky we were!
I'll be back in a day or two with more about the EGA Boutique (a.k.a. Stitcher's Workshop) where I've been trying to help P by running a cash register. I know very little about stitching, but am learning a little bit more every day. These lady stitchers are just about as obsessed as quilters!
Have a great week!