We are in production!
Today we received the email from Newmar confirming our coach is in production and has entered Building 7. Last fall, when we were researching the type of motorhome we wanted for our full time adventure we drove up to Nappanee, Indiana to tour the Newmar plant. We watched various models and sizes move through Building 7 during the hour long tour. Each coach spends 4 days on this part of the production line before moving on to paint and completion. This definitely influenced our decision to Go Newmar! Usually new owners can visit the plant and watch and take photos during the time their coach is in Building 7, however due to some plant remodeling, they've suspended that service for a few weeks. But, the sales staff has been nice enough to take some pics and forward them on to us.

These photos are looking through the future full wall slide into the kitchen/living area and the bedroom at the rear. There's a lot of electrical work going on. The cabinets have been placed (covered with green tape at the moment) but you can see the backsplash tile and wall covering.
More wiring! This is at the front, probably headed to the generator. There are roughly 5 MILES of wire in a motorhome this size!
This is the rear of the motorhome. Notice the radiator and engine ( that's why it's called a diesel pusher).
The left rear corner and the open space where the full wall slide will be placed. Wish we could watch that put hopefully we'll get some pics later this week. These all make it seem much more real.
Back at the brick house, we continue to downsize. We are on the final countdown, as we take delivery of the motorhome on March 13.
Going through clothes has been the activity of the week. This and a stack of jeans and shorts is what I want to take along. I'm not sure if they will all fit yet, and of course I'm not including what my husband plans to take. It's been easier for him. Since he lost weight last year, he basically pulled out everything that fit and got rid of the rest. I'm having a hard time. I think women form more of an emotional bond with clothes. Plus, it makes me so sad and embarrassed that over the years, I've spent good money on things I haven't really needed. Today I tried to take a nice selection to a resale shop and they would only accept about half of them. We should've been working on this for the past two or three years! But I did order some thin velvet covered hangers from Amazon and tossed all the chunky plastic hangers. They certainly take up less space and look more organized.
The kitchen is still a work-in-progress. But I did go through all my spices and downsized there. It's hard to know which ones to keep because I'm not sure how much baking I'll be doing. My daughter will be inheriting a few of these along with all the cake/cookie decorating supplies.
We continue to donate, donate, donate. This is the scene on our front porch tonight. So happy some organizations offer home pick-up!