Sunday, April 27, 2008
Beaches to Babies
Sometimes You Have to Stay Home
Here's a couple of before photos. The wooden balusters have been removed and stacked on the wavy, blotchy deck flooring.
Here's the master carpenter at work. We are using a composite decking material from Weatherbest. It could have been screwed down to the original floor joists, but D chose to use his biscuit jointer to make slots for these special fastening clips. They draw the floor boards together and to the joists without the look of dozens of screw holes across the floor. As each old deck board was removed, my job was to remove the nails and stack under the deck. Hopefully, we can find someone to give them a new home.
After two days of un-accustomed physical labor, we had the floor replaced. On the second day, he actually trusted me with the screw gun and allowed me to do more than remove nails and be "gofer". We've still got lots of work to do but we did accomplish a lot today! The new posts are in place but I've got to find more of the cute little lights before we can finish up the railing. You can barely make out the light on the second post from the left. I forgot to take a final photo of the day until right before I sat down to blog! It's pretty dark out there right now. We'll also enclose underneath the deck and replace the stairs.
D might be a little stiff and sore tomorrow after using some muscles he'd forgotten about. But he's not forgotten his construction heritage or skills. He probably wouldn't admit it, but I think he actually enjoyed this stage of the project. There's still a lot to do though, and hopefully it won't take us all summer. After all, there's still the kitchen!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Friday Night Fish Fry

Thursday, April 24, 2008
Nothing quilty - yet.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
A Ride to the Eighth Wonder of the World?
In the spirit of the original inspirations of this little blog, we were back on the road again today to explore the back roads of Southern Indiana. Of course, we were on the Harley and M & R joined us on their BMW. We started out with sunny skies but they didn't stay with us for long. At least we avoided any rain showers and though chilly, didn't compare to some of the temps we've been riding in lately.
Well, this is it for today's trip! Maybe this is not the highlight of the week. We can officially say we felt the great Midwest Earthquake of April 18, 2008! D forgot to change the alarm clock so we were awake when the house began to groan and squeak as if the wind had come up, but with no wind sound! He thought there might have been an explosion somewhere and living near a rock quarry, we hear (and feel) those occasionally. I told him I thought it might have been an earthquake! I was right! But thankfully, no damages here. Not even a crooked picture or a jostled pantry item! How many of you felt it?
Have a good week! See you later.......;-)
Monday, April 14, 2008
Problem Solved !

This is probably something a lot of quilters are already familiar with (probably from quilting 101 !) but now I know too! I knew there had to be a way, since I was sure I bought the correct yardage as listed in the pattern. So my project for tomorrow morning will be to make my quilt sandwich and move on from there!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Three Things - or more!
3. Never, ever tell your hair stylist to cut your hair "just a little shorter"! The girl who cuts my hair is a real sweetie and after going to her for about seven years, she pretty much understands my wavy locks. But this past week she got a little carried away. Oh well, at least my hair grows fast but in the meantime I've had some of those "moments" in front of the mirror. Sorry, no pics of the hair cut.
Saturday was Thunder Over Louisville. It is one of the biggest air shows and fireworks displays in the country. We have gone a couple of times but aren't fans of large crowds. They usually have several hundred thousand people on the shores of the Ohio River to enjoy this kick off event for the Derby. This year the weather kept a lot of folks away, but as we drove across the bridge on the Harley for a little shopping trip you can see by this photo people were already setting up their viewing spots early in the morning.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
She'll Always Be Our Baby!

It is funny how animals can sense when their owners aren't feeling well. Mouse is normally a loving cat, but has become even more so with B taking it easy.

Sunday, April 6, 2008
We Survived a Weekend with Two Wheels and Minimal Luggage
The forecast of the first nice Spring weekend was enough to get us on the bike and "on the road again"! I'm not sure how accurate the local weathermen claim to be but they failed on the first half of this trip. Hoping that it would warm up a little, we started out late Saturday morning with a plan to see the country side via some back roads between home and southern Kentucky.
All total, we rode over 475 miles this weekend! We proved to ourselves that we could spend a weekend with only two wheels and minimal luggage. D is ready for a longer trip and I think it might be okay if we could be assured of weather like today. I might need the lambswool cushion and a larger luggage pack for anything over two or three days. But we are both tired tonight! We might need to work up to longer trips by adding a day at a time!
I don't know if Beamer missed us or not. He's been left on his own several times this past month so maybe he's getting used to it though he was happy to go outside, spend some time on his patio chair and watch the birds.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
And the Color Is.......?
I thought the expecting parents (and maybe the rest of you) might get a smile from these photos I found buried in a box in the basement this evening.
Here's one proud Dad with his only son. Don't you just love all that hair (on baby J too!) Both pretty cute aren't they?

Here's baby JMD with Grandpa JMD. Will there be another JMD? This Grandpa was blessed with only daughters and four granddaughters so was very happy to have a grandson. Though he wasn't able to pass the last name along, at least the initials stayed the same!
That's my news for the day!