Saturday, April 30, 2016

One Month and Counting!

The countdown has begun! We have a tentative date of May 30 to leave on our Alaskan Adventure. That might change a few days either way but now we have to get serious about getting things ready. 

There has been some shopping going on.  Here's a few of our purchases.

 This past year has been one of some serious health improvements.  Losing weight is never easy, but with a partner to keep share the struggle this time we've both had major success (30 pounds + for each of us).  We don't want to blow it so three months of travel and trying to fix healthy meals in a small RV kitchen is going to be a challenge.  The "weight loss experts" might disagree but we've found that stepping on the scale every day helps.  We found this little bitty scale on Amazon.  It measures only out 6 x 8" is very light weight.  Perfect for our little bitty RV bathroom! 

Walking has been our main exercise, but we are going to try some hiking when we are in Alaska.  These Keens might be more boot than we need, but at least we will be prepared!  I really think we should go over to one of the area state parks and hit a trail or two before we leave, but not sure if we will have time.  After all, D is still working (at least for the next month!)


Yep, he's still making some "improvements" to the Pursuit.  Adding another house battery will allow us to stay "off-grid" (no electricity) awhile longer.  We've heard that many places will allow camping along the roadside pull-outs so we will be ready!  I might not be able to use my hair dryer or microwave, but we can have lights and maybe watch a movie.  He also added a new little antenna to the roof of the Pursuit to boost our cell phone signal.  He's working on the carrier we are adding to the rear of the RV.  I'll get photos of that when he gets it done this week.  

It's getting real!  The adventure awaits :)